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Building Construction By Punmia

This book, first published in 1984 and entering into Tenth Edition, contains 32 chapters on various aspects of Building Construction, including the one on Earthquake Resistant Buildings. Building Construction is a traditional science which deals with the modern methods of sound construction, incorporating appropriate use of materials, sufficient strength, stability and per This book, first published in 1984 and entering into Tenth Edition, contains 32 chapters on various aspects of Building Construction, including the one on Earthquake Resistant Buildings. Building Construction is a traditional science which deals with the modern methods of sound construction, incorporating appropriate use of materials, sufficient strength, stability and performance, maximum utility and good proportion and grace. The aim of this book is to acquaint Civil Engineers, Architects, Builders, Contractors etc. with basic principles as well as current design practices in the construction of buildings. The book is based on current construction practices prevalent in India, incorporating latest Indian Standard Recommendations. The basic construction features as well as design details have been profusely illustrated through neat sketches.

Building Construction By Punmia



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