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A Comprehensive Guide to Channel Coding: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

Channel Coding for Telecommunications: What, Why and How

Telecommunications is the process of transmitting and receiving information over a distance using electronic devices. Telecommunications can involve various types of signals, such as voice, data, image and video. However, these signals are often corrupted by noise, interference and fading during transmission, resulting in errors in the received information. To overcome this problem, channel coding is used to enhance the reliability and efficiency of telecommunications systems.

Channel Coding for Telecommunications download

Channel coding is a technique that adds extra bits (called parity bits) to the original information before transmission, and uses these bits to detect and correct errors at the receiver. Channel coding can improve the quality of service (QoS) and reduce the bandwidth requirements of telecommunications systems. However, channel coding also introduces complexity and trade-offs in terms of encoding and decoding algorithms, error performance and computational resources.

In this article, we will explain what channel coding is, why it is important, how it works, and how to choose a suitable channel code for a given telecommunications system. We will also provide some examples of channel coding techniques that are widely used in modern telecommunications systems.

What is Channel Coding?

Channel coding is a process of adding redundancy to the original information (called source data or message) before transmission over a noisy channel. A noisy channel is a communication medium that introduces errors in the transmitted information due to various factors, such as thermal noise, interference from other sources, multipath fading and attenuation. The redundancy added by channel coding enables the receiver to detect and correct some or all of the errors that occur during transmission.

Channel coding can be classified into two types: error detection coding (EDC) and error correction coding (ECC). EDC only detects the presence or absence of errors in the received information, but does not correct them. EDC requires a feedback channel from the receiver to the transmitter, so that the transmitter can retransmit the erroneous information upon request. This technique is called automatic repeat request (ARQ). ECC not only detects but also corrects errors in the received information without requiring a feedback channel. ECC can be further divided into two categories: forward error correction (FEC) and backward error correction (BEC). FEC corrects errors based on the received information only, while BEC corrects errors based on both the received information and some additional information sent by the transmitter.

Some examples of channel coding techniques are:

  • Block codes: These are codes that divide the source data into fixed-length blocks (called codewords) and add parity bits to each block. The parity bits are calculated based on some mathematical rules that depend on the type of block code. Some common types of block codes are linear codes, cyclic codes and Reed-Solomon codes.

  • Convolutional codes: These are codes that generate a continuous stream of parity bits based on the current and previous bits of the source data. The parity bits are generated by passing the source data through a linear shift register with feedback taps. The output of the shift register is called the convolutional code.

  • Turbo codes: These are codes that combine two or more convolutional codes with an interleaver. An interleaver is a device that permutes the order of the source data bits before encoding them with different convolutional codes. The interleaved bits are then decoded by an iterative algorithm that exchanges information between the different decoders until convergence.

Why is Channel Coding Important?

Benefits of Channel Coding

Channel coding has several benefits for telecommunications systems, such as:

  • Error detection and correction: Channel coding can detect and correct errors in the received information, thus improving the accuracy and reliability of the communication. Channel coding can also reduce the number of retransmissions required by ARQ systems, thus saving bandwidth and power.

  • Reliability and efficiency: Channel coding can increase the reliability and efficiency of telecommunications systems by allowing them to operate at lower signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and higher data rates. Channel coding can also adapt to the varying channel conditions by changing the amount of redundancy and the complexity of the encoding and decoding algorithms.

Challenges of Channel Coding

Channel coding also poses some challenges for telecommunications systems, such as:

  • Complexity and trade-offs: Channel coding introduces complexity and trade-offs in terms of encoding and decoding algorithms, error performance and computational resources. For example, more complex channel codes can achieve better error performance, but they also require more processing power and memory to encode and decode. Similarly, more redundant channel codes can improve the reliability, but they also reduce the efficiency and increase the delay of the communication.

How Does Channel Coding Work?

Basic Principles of Channel Coding

The basic principles of channel coding are based on information theory, which is a branch of mathematics that studies the quantification, storage and transmission of information. Information theory was founded by Claude Shannon in his seminal paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" in 1948 . Shannon introduced two fundamental concepts: entropy and capacity.

Entropy is a measure of the uncertainty or randomness of a source of information. Entropy quantifies how much information is contained in a message or a signal. The higher the entropy, the more information is conveyed by the message or the signal. Entropy is calculated as: $$H(X) = -\sum_x \in X p(x) \log_2 p(x)$$ where $X$ is a set of possible values of a random variable $x$, and $p(x)$ is the probability of occurrence of each value. Entropy is measured in bits.

Capacity is a measure of the maximum amount of information that can be transmitted over a noisy channel without error. Capacity quantifies how much information can be reliably communicated over a channel. The higher the capacity, the more reliable and efficient is the communication. Capacity is calculated as: $$C = \max_p(x) I(X;Y)$$ where $X$ is the input to the channel, $Y$ is the output from the channel, $p(x)$ is the probability distribution of $X$, and $I(X;Y)$ is the mutual information between $X$ and $Y$. Mutual information quantifies how much information is shared or transmitted between $X$ and $Y$. Mutual information is calculated as: $$I(X;Y) = H(X) - H(XY) = H(Y) - H(YX)$$ where $H(XY)$ is the conditional entropy of $X$ given $Y$, and $H(YX)$ is the conditional entropy of $Y$ given $X$. Conditional entropy quantifies how much uncertainty remains about $X$ or $Y$ after knowing $Y$ or $X$. Capacity is measured in bits per channel use (bpcu).

Shannon's theorem states that for any noisy channel with a given capacity $C$, there exists a channel code with a rate $R$ (defined as the ratio of source data bits to encoded bits) such that:

  • If $R < C$, then there exists a channel code that can achieve an arbitrarily low probability of error.

  • If $R > C$, then there does not exist a channel code that can achieve an arbitrarily low probability of error.

How Does Channel Coding Work?

Basic Principles of Channel Coding

The basic principles of channel coding are based on information theory, which is a branch of mathematics that studies the quantification, storage and transmission of information. Information theory was founded by Claude Shannon in his seminal paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" in 1948 . Shannon introduced two fundamental concepts: entropy and capacity.

Entropy is a measure of the uncertainty or randomness of a source of information. Entropy quantifies how much information is contained in a message or a signal. The higher the entropy, the more information is conveyed by the message or the signal. Entropy is calculated as: $$H(X) = -\sum_x \in X p(x) \log_2 p(x)$$ where $X$ is a set of possible values of a random variable $x$, and $p(x)$ is the probability of occurrence of each value. Entropy is measured in bits.

Capacity is a measure of the maximum amount of information that can be transmitted over a noisy channel without error. Capacity quantifies how much information can be reliably communicated over a channel. The higher the capacity, the more reliable and efficient is the communication. Capacity is calculated as: $$C = \max_p(x) I(X;Y)$$ where $X$ is the input to the channel, $Y$ is the output from the channel, $p(x)$ is the probability distribution of $X$, and $I(X;Y)$ is the mutual information between $X$ and $Y$. Mutual information quantifies how much information is shared or transmitted between $X$ and $Y$. Mutual information is calculated as: $$I(X;Y) = H(X) - H(XY) = H(Y) - H(YX)$$ where $H(XY)$ is the conditional entropy of $X$ given $Y$, and $H(YX)$ is the conditional entropy of $Y$ given $X$. Conditional entropy quantifies how much uncertainty remains about $X$ or $Y$ after knowing $Y$ or $X$. Capacity is measured in bits per channel use (bpcu).

Shannon's theorem states that for any noisy channel with a given capacity $C$, there exists a channel code with a rate $R$ (defined as the ratio of source data bits to encoded bits) such that:

  • If $R < C$, then there exists a channel code that can achieve an arbitrarily low probability of error.

  • If $R > C$, then there does not exist a channel code that can achieve an arbitrarily low probability of error.

This theorem implies that there is a fundamental limit on how much information can be reliably transmitted over a noisy channel, and that channel coding can help to approach this limit by adding redundancy to the source data.

Techniques of Channel Coding

There are many techniques of channel coding that have been developed over the years, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most common techniques are: Block Codes

Block codes are codes that divide the source data into fixed-length blocks (called codewords) and add parity bits to each block. The parity bits are calculated based on some mathematical rules that depend on the type of block code. The number of parity bits added to each block determines the rate and the error performance of the block code.

Some common types of block codes are:

  • Linear codes: These are codes that satisfy the property that any linear combination of codewords is also a codeword. Linear codes can be represented by matrices and algebraic operations. Linear codes are easy to encode and decode, but they have limited error correction capabilities.

  • Cyclic codes: These are linear codes that satisfy the property that any cyclic shift of a codeword is also a codeword. Cyclic codes can be represented by polynomials and modulo arithmetic. Cyclic codes are efficient for detecting burst errors, which are errors that occur in consecutive bits.

  • Reed-Solomon codes: These are cyclic codes that are based on finite fields and Galois theory. Reed-Solomon codes can correct both random and burst errors, and they are widely used in applications such as compact discs, digital video broadcasting and deep space communications.

Convolutional Codes

Convolutional codes are codes that generate a continuous stream of parity bits based on the current and previous bits of the source data. The parity bits are generated by passing the source data through a linear shift register with feedback taps. The output of the shift register is called the convolutional code.

The number of feedback taps and the length of the shift register determine the rate and the error performance of the convolutional code. The rate of a convolutional code is usually expressed as $k/n$, where $k$ is the number of input bits and $n$ is the number of output bits per time unit. The length of the shift register is called the constraint length, and it determines the memory and complexity of the convolutional code.

Convolutional codes can be encoded by a simple hardware circuit, but they require complex decoding algorithms. The most common decoding algorithm for convolutional codes is the Viterbi algorithm, which is based on dynamic programming and maximum likelihood estimation. The Viterbi algorithm finds the most probable sequence of input bits that corresponds to the received output bits, by tracing back a trellis diagram that represents the possible state transitions of the shift register.

Turbo Codes

Turbo codes are codes that combine two or more convolutional codes with an interleaver. An interleaver is a device that permutes the order of the source data bits before encoding them with different convolutional codes. The interleaved bits are then decoded by an iterative algorithm that exchanges information between the different decoders until convergence.

The interleaver helps to randomize the errors that occur in the channel, so that they can be corrected by different convolutional codes. The iterative decoding algorithm helps to improve the error performance by exploiting the soft information (i.e., the reliability or confidence) of each bit. The soft information is updated and refined at each iteration, until a consistent and accurate estimate of the source data is obtained.

Turbo codes can achieve near-optimal error performance, approaching the Shannon limit, with moderate complexity and delay. Turbo codes are widely used in applications such as mobile communications, satellite communications and deep space communications.

How to Choose a Channel Code?

Factors Affecting Channel Code Selection

The selection of a suitable channel code for a given telecommunications system depends on several factors, such as:

  • Channel characteristics: The channel characteristics include the type, model and parameters of the channel, such as noise level, interference level, fading type and duration, bandwidth and power constraints. Different channel characteristics may require different channel coding techniques to achieve optimal performance.

  • Data rate: The data rate is the amount of information transmitted per unit time, measured in bits per second (bps). Different data rates may require different channel coding rates and techniques to achieve optimal performance.

  • Application requirements: The application requirements include the quality of service (QoS) metrics and constraints, such as bit error rate (BER), block error rate (BLER), frame error rate (FER), packet error rate (PER), delay, latency, jitter, throughput and complexity. Different application requirements may require different channel coding techniques to achieve optimal performance.

Criteria for Evaluating Channel Code Performance

The performance of a channel code can be evaluated based on several criteria, such as:

  • Error probability: The error probability is the probability that a bit or a block or a frame or a packet is received incorrectly at the receiver. The error probability can be measured by different metrics, such as BER, BLER, FER and PER. The lower the error probability, the better is the performance of the channel code.

  • Coding gain: The coding gain is the amount of improvement in SNR achieved by using a channel code compared to using no channel code at a given error probability. The coding gain can be measured in decibels (dB). The higher the coding gain, the better is the performance of the channel code.

  • Complexity: The complexity is the amount of computational resources required to encode and decode a channel code. The complexity can be measured by different metrics, such as memory size, processing speed, power consumption and hardware cost. The lower the complexity, the better is the performance of the channel code.


In this article, we have explained what channel coding is, why it is important, how it works, and how to choose a suitable channel code for a given telecommunications system. We have also provided some examples of channel coding techniques that are widely used in modern telecommunications systems.

How to Choose a Channel Code?

Factors Affecting Channel Code Selection

The selection of a suitable channel code for a given telecommunications system depends on several factors, such as:

  • Channel characteristics: The channel characteristics include the type, model and parameters of the channel, such as noise level, interference level, fading type and duration, bandwidth and power constraints. Different channel characteristics may require different channel coding techniques to achieve optimal performance.

  • Data rate: The data rate is the amount of information transmitted per unit time, measured in bits per second (bps). Different data rates may require different channel coding rates and techniques to achieve optimal performance.

  • Application requirements: The application requirements include the quality of service (QoS) metrics and constraints, such as bit error rate (BER), block error rate (BLER), frame error rate (FER), packet error rate (PER), delay, latency, jitter, throughput and complexity. Different application requirements may require different channel coding techniques to achieve optimal performance.

Criteria for Evaluating Channel Code Performance

The performance of a channel code can be evaluated based on several criteria, such as:

  • Error probability: The error probability is the probability that a bit or a block or a frame or a packet is received incorrectly at the receiver. The error probability can be measured by different metrics, such as BER, BLER, FER and PER. The lower the error probability, the better is the performance of the channel code.

  • Coding gain: The coding gain is the amount of improvement in SNR achieved by using a channel code compared to using no channel code at a given error probability. The coding gain can be measured in decibels (dB). The higher the coding gain, the better is the performance of the channel code.

  • Complexity: The complexity is the amount of computational resources required to encode and decode a channel code. The complexity can be measured by different metrics, such as memory size, processing speed, power consumption and hardware cost. The lower the complexity, the better is the performance of the channel code.


In this article, we have explained what channel coding is, why it is important, how it works, and how to choose a suitable channel code for a given telecommunications system. We have also provided some examples of channel coding techniques that are widely used in modern telecommunications systems.

Channel coding is a technique that adds redundancy to the original information before transmission over a noisy channel, and uses this redundancy to detect and correct errors at the receiver. Channel coding can improve the reliability and efficiency of telecommunications systems by allowing them to operate at lower SNRs and higher data rates. However, channel coding also introduces complexity and trade-offs in terms of encoding and decoding algorithms, error performance and computational resources.

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