Ms Shell Dlg 2 Font
The problem in selecting the font for a user interface is obvious. For example, the shell font, also known as the system or default font, for English (United States) Windows 98 is MS Sans Serif, while the shell font for Greek (Greece) Windows 98 is MS Sans Serif Greek. For Japanese (Japan) Windows 98, the shell font is MS UI Gothic. These character sets cannot be directly mapped to each other. Replacing MS Sans Serif with MS Sans Serif Greek when the locale is set to Greek (Greece) does not allow existing applications to run adequately or to display Greek characters in system menus, dialog boxes, and edit controls.
ms shell dlg 2 font
Windows solves this problem by using the MS Shell Dlg and MS Shell Dlg 2 logical fonts to allow selection of the appropriate font for script display. This section addresses several programming considerations for using the logical fonts to implement dialog boxes, menus, and the like for flexible user interfaces that display well on all supported Windows operating systems and across all languages. For more information, see Font Creation and Selection. See also Multilingual User Interface for a discussion of the use of the Multilingual User Interface (MUI) technology in creating user interfaces for your multilingual applications.
The MS Shell Dlg and MS Shell Dlg 2 logical fonts are essentially face names used for mapping to enable support for locales/cultures having characters that are not contained in code page 1252, the Windows character set for the United States and Western Europe. MS Shell Dlg maps to the default shell font associated with the current culture/locale and supports the classic Windows desktop look. MS Shell Dlg 2 face name was introduced in Windows 2000 to support the look that was introduced with Windows 2000.
The use of Unicode allows applications to deal with thousands of different characters, but most fonts do not cover all of the Unicode character set. Your applications should not hard-code font names. One reason is that hard-coding a font name that displays characters for one language and not characters for another language causes all localized text in the second language to display incorrectly. Another reason not to hard-code font names is that the desired font might not be loaded on the operating system that is displaying application text.
The best way to treat font names is to consider them as localizable resources. Using a logical font solves the problem of running your interface using any language on Windows NT or Windows 2000, for any language. Setting a font name as a localizable resource makes it possible for your localizer to change the font for the localized user interface.
Some scripts are complex and require a large number of pixels to display properly. For example, most English characters display on a 5x7 grid, but Japanese characters need at least a 16x16 grid to be clearly seen. Whereas Chinese needs a 24x24 grid, Thai only needs 8 pixels for width but at least 22 pixels for height. It is easy to understand that some characters might not be legible at a small font size.
Your application user interface should treat font sizes as localizable resources. Using a logical font solves the problem of running your interface using any language on Windows NT or Windows 2000, for any language. Setting a font size as a localizable resource allows your localizer to change the font for the localized user interface.
Each of the logical fonts is mapped by an entry in the registry to the appropriate shell font for the currently active locale. When one of the logical fonts is used, Windows switches to the font for the currently selected locale at runtime. This operation allows the correct display of the English (United States) Windows user interface, as well as characters not in code page 1252. Thus currently shipping localized applications can run on the English (United States) version of Windows without modification.
Each Windows computer maps MS Shell Dlg and MS Shell Dlg 2 to an appropriate physical font, based on the defined language for non-Unicode programs, described in NLS Terminology. The actual mappings are stored in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\FontSubstitutes.
Both logical fonts map to Unicode-based TrueType fonts. MS Shell Dlg uses Microsoft Sans Serif (distinct from MS Sans Serif) if the install language is not Japanese. MS Shell Dlg maps to MS UI Gothic if the install language is Japanese.
MS Shell Dlg 2 simply uses the Tahoma font regardless of language. The main advantage of Tahoma over Microsoft Sans Serif is that Tahoma has a native bold font face. Its main disadvantage is that older operating systems might not have it installed, and might substitute a less attractive font.
Characters that are not implemented in Tahoma or Microsoft Sans Serif may be implemented in other Windows fonts that are used for text display in user interfaces. Depending on what controls or APIs are used to display text, various mechanisms such as font linking may be used by the system to automatically select such fonts for displaying those characters.
Applications can use either Microsoft Sans Serif or Tahoma explicitly, and save the level of indirection involved in using MS Shell Dlg or MS Shell Dlg 2. Because of font linking, specifying Microsoft Sans Serif or Tahoma provides appropriate glyphs for all languages.
On Windows Me/98/95, MS Shell Dlg is not intended for use with a static, non-English user interface application that runs when the user has chosen a locale with a different Windows base character set. In this case, the application user interface language might not be supported with the font that is substituted for MS Shell Dlg.
For example, if the user is using a German-language version of Windows and wants to install a non-Unicode Greek-language application, the user attempts to change the locale to Greek (Greece). This action resets MS Shell Dlg to a Greek font, but this font does not contain all the glyphs necessary to display in German. Therefore, any non-ASCII characters in the German-language user interface will not display properly. To support this scenario, an application has to set MS Shell Dlg to a font that contains both the Western European and the Greek glyphs.
International Fonts and Text builds on the basic typography, text, and advanced reading technologies of Windows to deliver fonts and text for world-wide users of the Windows platform. The technology enhances end-to-end font and text display scenarios.
I don't style my select boxes but I notice using firebug that they have a font of MS Shell Dlg. Why is that and how can I make the font the same as the body? Also is the fact they use different fonts the same for all browsers?
Browsers usually have a setting for the font of select elements in browser style sheets. These settings may be different across browsers. To make the font same as that of the body, set them the same, e.g.
Hello everybody,I created a document in Affinity Designer.The document includes some images and graphic text, the selected font is Calibri (size 11) I think Calibri is a system font of MS-Windows.When I open the file in Designer, I get the following hint.Document contains missing Fonts MS Shell Dig 2.What does that mean?in the registry of Windows is the entry available.
Like any well-behaved GUI application, MuseScore attempts to use the operating system's default GUI font for its user interface, but also allows the user to customize this font according to his or her personal preferences.
MuseScore is a cross-platform application and uses the Qt framework to do most of the heavy lifting, including querying the operating system for the default GUI font. Unfortunately, under Windows, all versions of Qt (past and present) supply the wrong font to MuseScore.
On all versions of Windows from Windows Vista through Windows 10, the new method typically returns the Segoe UI font in 9 pt. Segoe UI has a more contemporary humanist design, and it has had several visual updates over the years. It helps provide a uniform look for all Windows GUI applications, and it also renders significantly better than Tahoma on high-DPI displays.
// Qt 5 by (Qt 4) legacy uses GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) to// obtain the default GUI font (typically "MS Shell Dlg 2, 8pt"). This has been// long deprecated; the message font of the NONCLIENTMETRICS structure obtained by// SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS) should be used instead (see// QWindowsTheme::refreshFonts(), typically "Segoe UI, 9pt"), which is larger.
Override Qt's detection of the default GUI font with the correct method. This code will be functionally equivalent to the code already written for Qt 6, and will be implemented as a single block so that it can easily be removed in the future should MuseScore move to Qt 6.
Side note: There has been some talk of switching from the default GUI font to a custom font in an upcoming big MuseScore visual redesign. If and when this happens, this fix will become largely moot, but it will also be harmless. In the meantime, this bug should still be fixed right away so that users can get the correct font today.
The font name and size used to be directly configurable by the user, but that's no longer the case in recent versions of Windows. They can still be changed programmatically, though. Or by editing the registry.
Worked around a problem in Qt that caused MuseScore to use the wrong default GUI font on Windows. Qt 5.x and below use the deprecated function GetStockObject() with DEFAULT_GUI_FONT, which returns MS Shell Dlg 2 in 8 pt. MS Shell Dlg 2 is a virtual font that maps to Tahoma, which has not been the default Windows GUI font since 2006.
The correct way to determine the default GUI font is to call SystemParametersInfoW() with SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS and use the returned lfMessageFont structure. On all versions of Windows from Windows Vista through Windows 10, this typically returns Segoe UI in 9 pt.